
Console Port & Optimization – Unity Engine

  • Optimize the Graphics
  • Optimize scripts
  • Maintain Solid 30fps performance on oldest console hardware
  • Wrote Console Specific code to access console features (PS4, PS5, Xbox 1, Xbox Series X)
  • Implement and Pass Console Specific Requirements: Sony and Microsoft
  • Console Testing

Epic Tavern

Steam Early Access – Unity Engine

  • Gameplay Feature Implementation
  • Database String Parser Functionality
  • Twitch Streaming
  • Pitch Deck Design and Research


Gravity & Physics-Based Puzzle Platformer – Unity Engine

  • Project Lead
  • Game Design & Level Design
  • Gravity and Physics controls
  • Player Controller and Mechanics
  • Team Management
  • Game Saving / Player Persistence

Candy Creepers

Sophomore Side Project – Unity Engine
I wanted to make a hack ‘n’ slash game with a player controller that behaved like Link from Breath of the Wild. So I matched those movement mechanics pretty closely while also adding a flying and super-hero landing (must have!) to it.